
Proper handling

The right tools and the better way to create is important to getting started.  Usage of materials with careful planning minimizes accidents.  Uncluttered work areas means uncluttered minds.



Specialized Projects

Taking pride in one owns art can take a life on its own. Shown here are custom mandalas with their first initial using colors of choice. 

Custom themes with an original sample are available upon request. 



Having fun at home with…

the children of the Dishmans, Greenes, Banches, and Giles Families

Complimentary Art Activities DUE to COVID-19

4 families in my community were given 3-4 activities on May 1, 2020. It is my personal response to the hypolocal needs of the shelter-in-place restrictions.

The projects were produced with passion and the only objective to engage children at their homes not only to improve mental health, but to increase their hand-eye-hand coordination. No way that it can change everyone or change everything but I hope it brings some joy in your hearts.